Occasionally, I like to grab the latest versions of various Homebrew packages. As I discovered today, the danger in doing this is breaking something that was working. It seems that after upgrading pandoc in Homebrew, it seems that it broke my Blogdown rendering process. Pandoc 2.0.1 was released on October 31, 2017. Unbeknownst to me, pandoc 2.0 made changes to the API that Blogdown has not yet incorporated. So today on November 2, I’m left with a broken blog rendering workflow.

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This is a simple list of references for Blogdown and Hugo. Hugo Documentation blogdown: Creating Websites with R Markdown by Yihui Xie, Amber Thomas, Alison Presmanes Hill Integrating Blogdown with GitHub Pages and Travis-CI by Jake Thompson. This is not how I currently deploy this blog, but am keeping it for potential future reference. It’s also a great example of the use of the Academic theme.

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This post no longer reflects my current practice. I’ve switched to deploying from a separate branch that contains the rendered html. As such, I now ignore the html files within /contentand no longer include generated content within /static. Being a fan of version control, and perhaps Git in particular, I naturally keep the source to my website in a Git repository. However, starting out with Blogdown and Hugo, I wasn’t sure what exactly should be stored in Git versus relying on the generated output of Blogdown or Hugo.

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Note that in Rmarkdown files in blogdown, one must use the blogdown::shortcode function. The following example is given in the Blogdown documentation: blogdown::shortcode('tweet', '852205086956818432') Anyone know of an R package for interfacing with Alexa Skills? @thosjleeper @xieyihui @drob @JennyBryan @HoloMarkeD ? — Jeff Leek (@jtleek) April 12, 2017

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Zac Harmany

Sacramento, CA